About me

I came to psychosocial counseling for various reasons. First of all, there is my passion for working with people, which always allows me to have exciting encounters. Then a lot of work with psychological issues as well as my own therapy experiences, which have shown me how much positive change is possible. And finally, I’ve come to terms with being queer, and I wish I’d had queer psychological support where I didn’t have to explain fundamental issues around sexuality, relationships and gender over and over again.

That’s why I made it my goal to create such a space with queer.growing.support. I learned my counseling craft in 2019-2022 in the three-year training in process facilitation and counseling at the GFK Institute, and I continue to train myself. I write more about my methods here. In addition to my practice, I work part-time in the field of career counseling and am currently training as a career, study and career counselor. I originally studied various subjects in the humanities.

Monet Wohlgemuth, *1989

My Principles for Counseling

Through my counseling, I offer a queer space for self-awareness, self-exploration and coping with difficult situations. I assume that you know yourself best. I don’t offer solutions in my sessions, but I am happy to help you find your own way. The physical level is just as important to me as the psychological, mental and spiritual. I regularly attend supervision and strive for transparency in the counseling process. This can also mean that I refer a person to a specialist if I am unable to provide appropriate professional support.

My ideal is to create a space that is sensitive to differences. I borrow the word “difference-sensitive” from Mai-Anh Boger. I understand it to mean a mindful approach to the experiences we have due to our different positions in society. The aim is for as many people as possible to feel comfortable in this difference-sensitive space. This involves a constant confrontation with my own privileges and my position of power as a “mental health professional”. I also see psychosocial counseling as political work, which is why it is important for me to be transparent about my horizon of experience. The following labels, among others, determine my perspective within our (Swiss) society: white, middle class, university educated, non-religious, non-binary, transmasculine, dyadic, pansexual, non-monogamous.

Our sessions are not detached from the social system. In the case of experiences such as discrimination, we can work together in counseling to find a way of dealing with it that is right for you. However, the fact that racism, ableism, queerophobia, classism, etc. are systemically anchored in our society should also be given space and such experiences should not be psychologized away as an individual problem.

Memberships and Other Counseling Activities

SGfB – Swiss Society for Counseling. Here is my Diploma as PDF.

2019-2021 Peer-to-peer counseling in the HAZ team.

Since 2023 I have been studying in the MAS Vocational, Academic and Career Counseling at ZHAW, expected graduation in 2026. As part of my permanent position, I give short consultations on career choice and career topics.